вторник, 26 июля 2016 г.

Everything Your Employees Need to Know About Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Everything Your Employees Need to Know About Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Who needs an expensive social media consultant when you can train your employees in Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn best practices yourself?

This Mindflash infographic breaks down the types of social media users you'll find in your company — the digital native, savvy technologist, reluctant user, digital newby and digital contrarian — and how to approach training each of them.

This guide also highlights an important fact: 76% of companies do not have a clearly defined social media policy. Whether or not you have an explicit policy, make sure you're aware of the way everyone in your company represents your brand.

What do you think its most important for companies to teach their employees about social media? Share your best practices in the comments.

Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, narvikk

Original article and pictures take a.amz.mshcdn.com site

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