вторник, 8 августа 2017 г.

The Power of the Social Consumer [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Power of the Social Consumer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Twenty years ago, if you were dissatisfied with a company's product or business practices, you'd probably stop buying from them. You might write an angry letter. You might even tell your friends and family (a whopping 25 people, at best) not to patronize that business.

But the game has changed with social media. While one angry tweet may not make much impact, the web allows customers to find and connect with like-minded parties. Critical mass has never been more within consumers' reach. At best, companies strive to be more responsive. At worst, they now live in fear of these pools of discontent.

Below, in an infographic from Frugal Dad, are some compelling examples that illustrate the power of the social media consumer. Do you have a favorite story about how social outcry changed the course of business? Share yours in the comments below.

Social Consumer Infographic

Original article and pictures take a.amz.mshcdn.com site

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