среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.

Why people interact with brands – Best social media facts, figures and stats

Why people interact with brands – Best social media facts, figures and stats

How and Why people interact with brands is without any doubt one of the most relevant questions that we, marketers, always try to answer. There is NO suitable strategy without a deep marketing behavior research. However, when the timing is short, many social media strategists are though using cool infographics and social media stats that can also help us to support our arguments and figure out why we should be using an specific social media amongst others . By this way, I bring you this other interesting social media infographic which shows 21 amazing stats about How people interact with brands. Even if the research (AYTM) carried for that is only focused on Twitter and Facebook and some few top brands, I consider the insights we can take from are pretty helpful. What do you think?

WHY and HOW people interact with brands - Social media stats
WHY and HOW people interact with brands - Social media stats

1) 85% of internet users have Facebook accounts; 49% are on Twitter. (Do you LIKE it? – then TWEET it :-)!)

2) 74% of internet users use Facebook daily; 35% use Twitter daily. Do you LIKE it? – then TWEET it :-)!)

3) 57% of internet users have more than 100 friends on Facebook; 25% have 100+ followers on Twitter. (Do you LIKE it? – then TWEET it :-)!)

4) 19% of people follow a brand on Twitter. (Do you LIKE it? – then TWEET it :-)!)

5) 39% of people have tweeted about a brand on Twitter. (Do you LIKE it? – then TWEET it :-)!)

6) 29% of people have retweeted about a brand on Twitter. (Do you LIKE it? – then TWEET it :-)!)

7) 58% of Facebook users have liked a brand on Facebook. (Tweet This Stat!)

8 ) 42% of people have mentioned a brand in a Facebook status update. (Tweet This Stat!)

9) 41% of people have shared a link, video, or story about a brand on Facebook. (Tweet This Stat!)

10) 50% more people say their brand mentions in Facebook status updates are only positive (versus negative or mixed). (Tweet This Stat!)

11) Almost twice as many users say their brand tweets are only positive (versus negative or mixed). (Tweet This Stat!)

12) Females are much kinder to brands on Twitter than males. (Tweet This Stat!)

13) 66% of Facebook users who have liked a brand have 100+ friends. (Tweet This Stat!)

14) 84% of Facebook users who have liked a brand are active on Facebook daily.(Tweet This Stat!)

15) 59% of Facebook users who have liked a brand have mentioned a brand in a status update.(Tweet This Stat!)

16) 57% of Facebook users who have liked a brand have shared a link/video about a brand. (Tweet This Stat!)

17) 80% of people prefer to get coupons, promos, and discounts from brands in social media. (Tweet This Stat!)

18) 8% of people prefer to get brand news in social media. (Tweet This Stat!)

19) 5% of people prefer to get answers to Qs and 5% prefer how-tos from brands in social media. (Tweet This Stat!)

20) 32% of people prefer updates from brands in the form of short social media updates. (Tweet This Stat!)

21) 27% of people prefer updates from brands in the form of email messages. (Tweet This Stat!)

Source: Hubspot blog


Original article and pictures take www.juanmarketing.com site

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