четверг, 12 октября 2017 г.

This Is Everything You Need To Know About Pinterest (Infographic)

This Is Everything You Need To Know About Pinterest (Infographic)

Over the course of the past few months, what was once a colorful haven for Midwestern mothers and Mormons is now an even more colorful haven for even more pin-tastic peeps. The growth has been staggering, even in what many would call an overly social era. But surrounded by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc., Pinterest has really made a name for itself.

And while many are scurrying to set up their pinboards for FOMO‘s sake, we in the tech world are curious as to what’s going on behind the scenes. What’s the growth rate? What does the demographic data look like? Referral traffic? Marketing? How does Pinterest really stack up against the big guys?

The questions never end, mainly because Pinterest kind of came out of left field and threw the entire model on its head. It’s not for women, but it is mainly women. It’s not overbearing in terms of rules or policies (at least not more so than its competitors), but still seems to be a very “white-bread”, nice place to be compared to the deep black hole of nasty awfulness that is the Internet. The epicenter of its popularity is in the Midwest — that’s not to say that Midwesterners aren’t tech savvy, but they’re usually not the early adopters of anything.

It’s this big question mark, Pinterest, and we all want to better understand it, especially considering that the network is still building itself out. Just recently, Pinterest founder Ben Silbermann teased an iPad app and revamped profile pages at SXSW this week.

Luckily, the folks over at Internet Marketing Inc. took all the data we have on Pinterest, like that comScore study and the Shareaholic referral traffic study, and whipped up a comprehensive guide to “The Power of Pinterest”.

These are the tidbits I found most interesting:

  • The number of Pinterest users to visit the site daily has gone up 145 percent since the beginning of 2012
  • Pinterest content is very different in the UK, and more centered around venture capital, blogging resources, web analytics and the like
  • Over 80 percent of pins are actually re-pins rather than brand new content
  • Pinterest user growth is better than that of Facebook and Twitter at the same point in their history
  • As expected, 80 percent of Pinterest’s user base is female
  • Brands are having a helluva time leveraging Pinterest — Better Homes & Gardens has 25,000+ followers on Pinterest, compared to 21,000 on Twitter

Check out the full infographic below*:

*none of the data in this infographic is directly from Pinterest, but rather assembled by third-party sources like comScore.

Original article and pictures take s0.wp.com site

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